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prevajanje, psihoterapija / translation, psychotherapy
Thank you for your interest in my work.
On this site, you will find information about the professional fields in which I am active, my work experience, achieve-ments and media coverage of my work.
I completed a BA in English Studies and Comparative Literature at the University of Ljubljana. However, even before I went to university I was introduced to and involved in journalism, and I have always been interested in psychology. I am still active in all these fields. Indeed, they form a triangle, with language, literature and psychology forming its vertexes.
Language is not only a means of communication with which I work when I translate, interpret or host talks, but also the stuff works of art are made from; it is an indicator that the unconscious has surfaced (in such moments we are surprised by a slip of the tongue, as Sigmund Freud pointed out); it is a reflection of the culture in which we live and of the power relations within that culture (to provide a brief example, in both Slovene and English, male nouns can also be used to express female subjects).
Literature is verbal art and to a certain extent a reflection of its author, time and place as well as the culture in which it was created. I like to translate great works of literature that – owing to their universal message, psychological credibility, linguistic mastery and well-thought-out structure – go beyond the “here and now” and give meaning to our lives, fulfilling our need for sense and beauty. Unfortunately, in today’s world of commercialization and hyperproduction there are fewer opportunities to translate such fine works. Therefore it is of vital importance that all those who shape the Slovene literary landscape endeavour to preserve high standards.
Solid knowledge of literature and the humanities is, according to the Slovene psychoanalyst Matjaž Lunaček, a prerequisite for psychoanalytical practice – alongside theoretical knowledge of psychology, personal analytical experience and compliance with ethical standards. The unconscious, which is most vividly expressed in dreams, can function as a wise old (wo)man who guides us through life if only we are willing to listen. Great writers usually possess sound intuitive knowledge of the human soul; thus, one safe way to get in touch with one’s own soul, its depths, dark corners and more beautiful realms, is Jungian analysis and dream interpretation – a path I have chosen to follow. As of December 2016, I have been accepted to work with clients under the supervision of Jungian analysts (for more information, please read the section on Dream Interpretation).
Carl Gustav Jung called the process of inner growth “individuation.” Its course does not run straight. On the contrary, it might be best described through the image of tendril decorations on the pages of incunabula. The thematic patterns meandering through one’s life are different for each person; in my case, and in terms of my career, they are linked with language, literature and psychology.
Another thing that connects these three fields is my approach to work: I pay close attention to individual elements and the relationships between them, while taking into account the big picture. This is an approach that I have learned as a translator. In order to achieve harmony at the macro level, time and energy have to be invested at the micro level. I apply the same principle when I host talks or interpret dreams in Jungian analysis. One could say that the macrocosm is reflected in the microcosm. The poet William Blake rendered this (in fact very Jungian) thought thus: To see a world in a grain of sand. The Slovene translator Miha Avanzo translated it as follows: V zrnu peska videti cel svet.
If my thoughts speak to you and you believe we could work together fruitfully, do not hesitate to contact me.
Breda Biščak
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