On 29 February 2024, I completed my training in Jungian analysis conducted within the IAAP Router Programme; my examiners were two senior Jungian analysts, Marianne Müller (a former IAAP President) and Astrid Berg.
I still accept new clients. My private practice is located at the Slovene Littoral (Škofije, a village close to Koper/Capodistria); I also work on-line. Given my Bachelor's degree in English, I also hold session in English.
In April 2021, I passed the intermediate router exam, which is a condition for taking the final exam. My examiners were the US Jungian analyst Jill Fischer and the Danish Jungian analyst Henrik Okbøl.
If you are interested in the meaning of your dreams and in Jungian analysis/psychotherapy, feel free to contact me.
Suggested reading on dream interpretation
Nastović, Ivan: Psihologija snova i njihovo tumačenje: Trodimenzionalni pristup snovima, Prometej, Novi sad, 2006.
Nastović, Ivan: 127 protumačenih snova. Prometej, Novi Sad, 2008.
Jung, Carl G., and von Franz, M. L.: Man and His Symbols.
Jung, Carl G.: Dreams, Routledge Classics, London, 2002.
Hall, James A.: Jungian Dream Interpretation, Inner City Books, Toronto, 1983.
Hall, James A.: The Jungian Experience: Analysis and Individuation, Inner City Books, Toronrto, 1986.
Chevalier, Jean, and Gheerbrant, Alain: Dictionary of Symbols